Friday, June 5, 2009

Why Twitter could be a good PR platform for you?

If you are an actress, politician, CEO, writer, or anyone who needs a strong following, i seriously think it will make sense for you to consider twittering now. I have seen a lot of local DJs , actors & celebrities on Twitter and leveraging it as a platform to communicate and reach out to their fans, friends and target audiences.

Well social media in general has really redefined the way relationships are built especially since commoners could connect & communicate much easier with the rich and famous. People like Obama, Ellen Degeneres, Ryan Seacrest do have a huge fan base in twitter. And it is all about your sphere of influence. Everyday, through their daily broadcast, they are able to communicate their thoughts, opinion and causes directly to their fans and supporters.

In a way, the novelty of celebrities and politicians being difficult to access in the public domain is now gone since people can gain access to this group much easier.

The success of any PR campaign is always measured by it's reach and extent of publicity generated. If you have a huge fan base to being with, you already have a good start against your other peers. Remember - since PR is all about building goodwill and relationship, by tweetering daily and having daily broadcast of your thoughts and opinion, it will create a long-term impact on your audience.

This continuous bombardment of information, what i call conditioning will build brand recall and mindshare in the mind of your followers. Over time, all these efforts will result in good returns. Whether you are launching a music CD, a book, an advertising campaign or even a public appearance, all your hard work in twittering will channel into good vibes and goodwill in the mind of your followers. You'll never imagine the level of mileage you could gain from this long term effort.

So if you are in a profession where you see yourself as a brand; a product which needs to be constantly marketed, & to engage your audiences always - don't rule out twitter. I do believe there are long term benefits to this effort. So start twittering, work hard & don't leave to fate if you want to be known, rich, successful or famous.

Twitter your way to success.

Dennis T

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