Friday, April 2, 2010

Local Marketer says ‘its time to get more publicity for himself’

Local communication specialist joins Temasek Polytechnic as a lecturer and and became a freelance Publicist
Dennis Toh aims to help small business owners build credibility.
Dennis Toh hopes to educate people about the work of a publicist in Singapore.


A local marketer with more than 9 years of marketing & PR experience has made a bold career move amid the current tight economic conditions and job market. Dennis Toh, who worked for MNCs and agencies like Panasonic, MCYS, Pacific Healthcare, has joined a local polytechnic as a lecturer in the Business School. He has commenced work since 8th March 2010.

Graduated with a Master Degree in Mass Communications from Nanyang Technological University, Wee Kim Wee School of Communications & Information, Dennis has a deep interest for marketing, PR, Media relations, events & all disciplines related to communications.

With an entrepreneurial mindset and spirit, Dennis became a freelance publicist with the aim of helping small business owners (professionals, consultants, entrepreneurs, SMEs, Semi-personalities) boost sales, build credibility and create a powerful presence using low cost, high impact publicity and social media methods.

He recently acquired clients like Exquisite Magazine, Anthony Furnisshen, Energia Fitness club and personalities like ex-national bowler Lee Yu Wen and model Wendy Toh.

Dennis Toh says ‘I am extremely excited about the career switch. Being in academia allows me to impart my experience and knowledge to the younger generation. I have a great passion for marketing and I hope to inspire marketing students to take pride in this profession and to be effective marketers when they enter the workforce. The business landscape in Singapore is not very conducive for entrepreneurship but of late, I have witnessed a lot more people coming out to strive on their own. I believe this is the way to go as we progress in life. As an entrepreneur, I hope to build my personal brand name and get more publicity for myself’.

Dennis said that he is ‘tired of helping others get publicity’, as his last employment involved getting media coverage for doctors & services for Pacific Healthcare, among other things. He is trained in media relations, issues management, campaign management, product PR, social media PR and event PR. ‘Having been in the PR trade for 9 years, I have always focused in getting publicity for the company I worked for. I think it’s time I get my fair share of media limelight after so many years. Having said that, I will still focus on helping my clients get the publicity they need’, Dennis quipped.

Dennis explained that the concept of a publicist is not widely understood in Asia. In the US, publicists are people whose job is to generate and manage publicity for a public figure, especially a celebrity, a business, or for a work such as a book, film or album. Dennis hoped to generate more awareness for this profession and how the practice can add value to our every day life.

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