Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why i admire my sister so much?

This thread is a non academic one. I just wanted to dedicate this space to my beloved sister who got married yesterday. 

My Sister is always self sacrificing. She has a good heart, someone who always put others above her. 

'Wendy is all about Life. Wendy is all about living life to the fullest' said Huipeng during the wedding ceremony. I couldn't agree more. 

Wendy and I took part in a local celebrity competition, 'star search' when we were younger.
We both thought our lives would change after the competition. :)

Wendy had big dreams. She has what it takes to be a star, very talented & gifted in her own ways. I always believe she'll go far in the entertainment scene.

As a brother, I share a lot of commonalities with her. Some spoken, some unspoken. I guess coming from the same background made me understand her better. 

I knew I haven't done enough for her as a brother. I know i had failed her in many ways. 

When i walked pass her room every morning, I only have one wish - the hope of seeing her happy and that i am able to help her make her life even better. Amidst my busy schedule, I know i have not spent enough time and effort on wendy. 

All i want is for her to be happy & not lose her 'self' after she get married. She will continue to pursue her interests and passion. 

She has found a good man, Julian. And Wendy will be an even better person. 

Wendy - Thanks for always being there for me. As you said, ' in life, we hold multiple roles - as a friend, a sister, a daughter in law, a daughter, a niece, a cousin. To all these friendships and relationships- let's hope we can push them to a greater level'. 

I hope our brother - sister relationship could be further strengthened & deepened, as we progress in every area & stage of our lives. 

Thanks You for being my sister. Love you. 
GOD Bless you in every area of your life. 

Dennis Toh

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